Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ah, Internet

Here I am sitting at my computer, yet again. I am supposed to be working on my 20-25 page paper, due in 11 days, but instead I am getting caught up in the hypertext of internet web pages. The next thing I know, I'm drooling, my back is asleep and five hours have passed, and somehow I find myself looking at an article entitled "Five types of underwater nematodes and their effect on mankind" or some equally ridiculous title that has absolutely nothing to do with my original search (something like, early Victorian women, or Sense and Sensibility.) Alas, I think I am doomed to spend my life waisting time and getting off, back to learning about how to trim the hoof of a zebra, or whatever other track my computer leads me down...

1 comment:

Indie said...

I know! The internet is terrible (or wonderful?) for the easily distracted.