Well, Lycan (really a sweet and wonderful dog...I have to keep reminding myself) has been such a PUNK lately. I am going to attribute it to adolescence, and hope that it is just a stage he is going through, but my goodness, he's been obnoxious the past couple days. Granted, he has not gotten much exercise, but neither have the other two and they have been perfect gentlemen. This morning, he woke me up at 8AM by just randomly whining, which he had been doing for at least 30 mins (I'm not sure because I started to tune him
out). At first I thought that something was wrong, maybe he
was in pain or something, but no, turns out he just wanted me to wake up so I could pet him and scratch his belly. Last night again we had bouts of fidgety anxiety (read: whining, licking my face, climbing into my lap), which turned out to be that he thought I should get up and feed him RIGHT NOW!. Anyways, any way that I can assert my dominance, I jump on, so I waited until he lay down on his bed and stopped bothering me before I fed him. Then, after he had been fed and was resting, when I wanted to pet him, he refused to come over to me for attention. What a jerk! On Tuesday we had his second Therapy dog visit, and while he was fairly good once I took him outside and let him relieve himself, he was just antsy, screamed when I barely put pressure on his foot, and lay down in the middle of the room and flopped around like a fish. He LOVED the interactions with the residents, but got a little preoccupied with all the other dogs around. Next time, I have to remind myself to make sure he gets to run around for a while before taking him in on a visit, and also remember a tired dog is a good dog. I love him dearly, but this must be what having children feels like!